
Building the European Microelectronics Talent Pipeline: 5 Takeaways from Inaugural METIS Consortium Meeting

Taking aim at the workers and job training needed to drive microelectronics innovation, 50 members of the recently formed Microelectronics Training, Industry and Skills (METIS) consortium met for the first time in November 2019 to lay out the broad outlines of their work to develop a comprehensive strategy for bridging the skills gap in Europe’s microelectronics industry. Representatives from the consortium of 20 partners from 14 European countries gathered to identify the worker skills and related training the microelectronics industry direly needs to support innovation in artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous driving, Industry 4.0 and other leading-edge market verticals.

A Sector Skills Alliance co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program and coordinated by SEMI, METIS is designed to overcome the skills shortage in the electronic components and systems value chain. Read more about the takeaways from the event hosted in Villach by Infineon Austria, on the SEMI blog.

Sabine Herlitschka, CEO of Infineon Austria, kicks off inaugural METIS project meeting.
METIS consortium inaugural meeting attendees