
METIS at SEMI ISS Europe 2023

METIS participated in the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium Europe—ISS Europe, on 15-16 February 2023 in Vienna, Austria. Laith Altimime, President of SEMI Europe, mentioned the efforts that the project has made on involving the key players across the industry, education & training.

On Thursday, February 16, during Session 2: Closing the Talent Gap and Cultivating the Workforce of Tomorrow,  Léo Saint-Martin, Associate consultant, DECISION Etudes & Conseil, presented “Skills Needs of the European Microelectronics Industry (METIS Project) Current Situation, Shortage, and Recommendations”.

In his presentation, Léo shared the current state of play of the European microelectronics industry in terms of skills needs: shortages, job profiles, technical and soft skills the most sought-after and summarized the key evolutions since 2020 using data collected within the METIS project. He also discussed the policy recommendations collected within METIS from key European stakeholders to tackle the skills shortage.

Finally, Léo presented the current initiatives ongoing to address the skills shortage: the METIS projects, the EU Chips Skills Alliance, and the Microelectronics Pact for Skills.

Learn more about the event at