It is our pleasure to invite you to the final event of the METIS project: Advancing Skills and Talent in the Semiconductor Industry – Final Results and the launch of the European Chips Skills Alliance due to take place in Brussels on November 30 at 9am. Over the last four years METIS (MicroElectronics Training, Industry and Skills) analyzed the skills needs in the microelectronic industry, developed training courses and long-term action plan. Join us for the presentation of the key project results and an interactive panel discussion.
Join us for the presentation of the key project results and an interactive panel discussion featuring Laith Altimime and Christopher Frieling from SEMI Europe, Bernd Deutschmann from TU Graz, Francoise Chombar from MELEXIS, Olivier Coulon and Léo Saint-Martin from Decision – Études & Conseil, and Henryk Schoder from X-FAB.
The agenda is below and to register please enter your details through this registration form. We expect the meeting will last under 2 hours. This event is co-located with Chips JU Launch Event which will start at 12am the same day. The location of the event is: Event lounge, Convention 3, Brussels Boulevard Général Wahis16F, 1030 Brussels.