Bridging the Skills Shortage in the European Semiconductor Industry Webinar invites stakeholders to attend a webinar on Bridging the Skills Shortage in the European Semiconductor Industry, to take place on 17 May 2023 at 2pm CEST. This webinar presents a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to…

Territorial Forum on the Attractiveness of the Microelectronics Sector

Minalogic and Nanoelec invite stakeholders to attend the Territorial Forum on the Attractiveness of the Microelectronics Sector, to take place on 11 May 2023 in Grenoble, France. The event will focus on the themes of training and recruitment. The day…

Infineon Quantum MasterClass 2023

Infineon Technologies, a METIS consortium member, invites students to apply for its new MasterClass 2023, to take place between 5-7 July 2023, in Villach, Austria. The Quantum MasterClass will introduce participants to the most important quantum technologies and their possible applications….

17th Silicon Saxony Day

Silicon Saxony, a METIS consortium member, invites stakeholders to register for its annual SiSaxDay, to take place on 21 June 2023, at Dresden Airport. SiSaxDay is the biggest international high-tech and networking event in Saxony. It offers cross-industry insights into…

Webinar on Training and Upskilling Driving Business Growth

The METIS team invites stakeholders to attend a webinar on 22 May 2023 to hear experts speak on the importance of training and upskilling in driving business growth. With the upcoming European Chips Act, the EU wishes to tackle the…

Webinar on European Year of Skills and European Vocational Skills Week

The European Commission, under the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, invites Vocational Education and Training (VET) stakeholders to attend a webinar on 29 March 2023 to explain how the European Vocational Skills Week (EVSW) will unfold in the…

30 Minutes with Tech Experts

Faster, smarter, and more sustainable – this is the best way to describe the factory of tomorrow. Standing still is a step backward, especially for production companies. They have a pioneering role in terms of technological development. After steam power,…

SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium Europe—ISS Europe

METIS will be present at the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium Europe—ISS Europe, on 15-16 February 2023 in Vienna, Austria. Specifically, on Thursday, February 16, during Session 2: Closing the Talent Gap and Cultivating the Workforce of Tomorrow with a presentation on…

Synergies for Skills Partnerships Under the Pact: From Blueprints for Sectoral Cooperation to the 2023 European Year of Skills

Christopher Frieling, SEMI Europe, represented METIS on the December 12, 2022, online conference “Synergies for Skills Partnerships Under the Pact: From Blueprints for Sectoral Cooperation to the 2023 European Year of Skills.” 

Chips Act Workshop – How to Reverse the Semiconductors Skills Shortage?

During this workshop, participants discussed the next steps that need to be taken collectively to start reversing the semiconductors skills shortage in Europe. Europe is facing enormous skills and talent challenges in the area of semiconductors. The number of open…