We were delighted to see the METIS project featured at SEMICON Europa in Munich in November. SEMICON is the strongest single event for electronics manufacturing in Europe, and broadening the range of attendees across the electronics chain. Promotional material related…
METIS consortium members met in Budapest between August 30st and September 1st to give updates on their respective work packages and to foster discussions on achieving the goals of METIS and next steps. The programme began with a social event…
Silicon Saxony, a METIS consortium member, held its annual Silicon Saxony Day on 21 June 2023, at Dresden Airport. The METIS project featured at the event, with a booth with information about the project and representatives included Silvana Muscella from IT-Trustservices…
The recently concluded 3D & Systems Summit 2023, held in Dresden, Germany, included material that promoted METIS. The SEMI 3D & Systems Summit was dedicated to Smarter Systems through Heterogeneous Integration. Industry experts shared their insights into 3D and Heterogeneous…
METIS was featured at the 46th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, organized by the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, and held between 10 and 14 May, 2023. The International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE) is the IEEE-EPS flagship conference…
ALLPROS.eu invites stakeholders to attend a webinar on Bridging the Skills Shortage in the European Semiconductor Industry, to take place on 17 May 2023 at 2pm CEST. This webinar presents a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to…
Minalogic and Nanoelec invite stakeholders to attend the Territorial Forum on the Attractiveness of the Microelectronics Sector, to take place on 11 May 2023 in Grenoble, France. The event will focus on the themes of training and recruitment. The day…
Silicon Saxony, a METIS consortium member, invites stakeholders to register for its annual SiSaxDay, to take place on 21 June 2023, at Dresden Airport. SiSaxDay is the biggest international high-tech and networking event in Saxony. It offers cross-industry insights into…